Experiencing swelling, bruising and tenderness after your tummy tuck is completely normal and to be expected. While these symptoms will continue to improve as your body heals and recovers after abdominoplasty, there are a few things you can do to help optimize healing and reduce swelling. Keep these tips in mind during your tummy tuck recovery process.
1. Wear Your Compression Garment
Wearing your compression garment after your tummy tuck exactly as Dr. Davis has instructed is a crucial step in optimizing your body’s healing process. The compression garment applies gentle pressure to the abdominal area to support healing and reduce fluid buildup.
During your initial recovery period, Dr. Davis will ask that you wear your compression garment 24/7. As you continue to heal, you will be able to gradually remove your compression garment more frequently until it is no longer needed.
2. Keep Surgical Sites Clean and Dry
Keeping your tummy tuck incision clean and dry will help to prevent infection, inflammation and unnecessary swelling. For the first 10 days after your procedure, you will have a drain in place to remove fluids. During this time, you can keep incisions clean with gentle sponge baths. Afterwards, gently pat the area around your drains with a clean towel to dry.
Dr. Davis will provide you with thorough instructions on how to care for your incisions and drain after your tummy tuck. Follow these guidelines as closely as possible to ensure a smooth healing process and minimize the risk of any complications.
3. Elevate Your Body
When resting or sleeping, keep your upper body and legs slightly elevated to promote proper fluid drainage. Some people find that sleeping in a recliner is most comfortable during the initial stage of tummy tuck recovery, or you could use extra pillows to prop up your head, shoulders and legs.
This will also help to keep your body in a slightly bent position, which should help to keep you comfortable while resting. When standing or moving at first, you may notice that it is most comfortable to stay in this slightly bent or hunched position.
4. Eat a Low-Salt Diet & Stay Hydrated
Avoid eating foods high in salt or sodium, such as canned foods, salted nuts and potato chips, as salt can promote water retention and swelling. Instead, try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins as much as possible, and drink plenty of water. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine, as these substances can also increase swelling and contribute to dehydration.
5. Get Light Movement
Speaking of moving around, it is important that you get very light movement regularly while you are healing from your tummy tuck to promote circulation and fluid drainage. Simply walking a few steps around your house throughout the day can be enough in the first few days of recovery to achieve this.
As you continue to heal, work with Dr. Davis to begin to gradually increase the duration and intensity of movement and eventually exercise after abdominoplasty.
If you still have questions about tummy tuck recovery or would like to see if a tummy tuck could be right for you, call our Nashville office at 615-327-7407 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Davis.